Abstractive API Reference


class abstractive.AbstractiveSummarizer(hparams)[source]

A machine learning model that abstractively summarizes an input text using a seq2seq model. Main class that handles the data loading, initial processing, training/testing/validating setup, and contains the actual model.

abs_collate_fn(batch, modifier=None)[source]
static add_model_specific_args(parent_parser)[source]

Arguments specific to this model

calculate_loss(prediction_scores, labels)[source]

Configure the optimizers. Returns the optimizer and scheduler specified by the values in self.hparams.

forward(source=None, target=None, source_mask=None, target_mask=None, labels=None, **kwargs)[source]

Model forward function. See the 60 minute bliz tutorial if you are unsure what a forward function is.

  • source (torch.LongTensor of shape (batch_size, sequence_length), optional) – Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary for the encoder. What are input IDs? Defaults to None.

  • target (torch.LongTensor of shape (batch_size, target_sequence_length), optional) – Provide for sequence to sequence training to the decoder. Defaults to None.

  • source_mask (torch.FloatTensor of shape (batch_size, sequence_length), optional) – Mask to avoid performing attention on padding token indices for the encoder. Mask values selected in [0, 1]: 1 for tokens that are NOT MASKED, 0 for MASKED tokens. Defaults to None.

  • target_mask (torch.BoolTensor of shape (batch_size, tgt_seq_len), optional) – source_mask but for the target sequence. Is an attention mask. Defaults to None.

  • labels (torch.LongTensor of shape (batch_size, sequence_length), optional) – Labels for computing the masked language modeling loss for the decoder. Indices should be in [-100, 0, ..., config.vocab_size]. Tokens with indices set to -100 are ignored (masked), the loss is only computed for the tokens with labels in [0, ..., config.vocab_size] Defaults to None.


(cross_entropy_loss, prediction_scores) The cross entropy loss and the prediction scores, which are the scores for each token in the vocabulary for each token in the output.

Return type


ids_to_clean_text(generated_ids, replace_sep_with_q=False)[source]

Convert IDs generated from tokenizer.encode to a string using tokenizer.batch_decode and also clean up spacing and special tokens.

  • generated_ids (list) – A list examples where each example is a list of IDs generated from tokenizer.encode.

  • replace_sep_with_q (bool, optional) – Replace the self.tokenizer.sep_token with “<q>”. Useful for determineing sentence boundaries and calculating ROUGE scores. Defaults to False.


A list of examples where each example is a string or just one string if only one example was passed to this function.

Return type

list or string


Save the model in the huggingface/transformers format when a checkpoint is saved.


Summaries input_sequence using the model. Can summarize a list of sequences at once.


input_sequence (str or list[str]) – The text to be summarized.


The summary text.

Return type

str or list[str]


Create the data using the huggingface/nlp library. This function handles downloading, preprocessing, tokenization, and feature extraction.


Load the data created by prepare_data(). The downloading and loading is broken into two functions since prepare_data is only called from global_rank=0, and thus is not suitable for state (self.something) assignment.


Create dataloader for testing.


Called at the end of a testing epoch: PyTorch Lightning Documentation Finds the mean of all the metrics logged by test_step().

test_step(batch, batch_idx)[source]

Test step: PyTorch Lightning Documentation Similar to validation_step() in that in runs the inputs through the model. However, this method also calculates the ROUGE scores for each example-summary pair.


Create dataloader for training.

training: bool
training_step(batch, batch_idx)[source]

Training step: PyTorch Lightning Documentation


Create dataloader for validation.

validation_step(batch, batch_idx)[source]

Validation step: PyTorch Lightning Documentation

abstractive.longformer_modifier(final_dictionary, tokenizer, attention_window)[source]

Creates the global_attention_mask for the longformer. Tokens with global attention attend to all other tokens, and all other tokens attend to them. This is important for task-specific finetuning because it makes the model more flexible at representing the task. For example, for classification, the <s> token should be given global attention. For QA, all question tokens should also have global attention. For summarization, global attention is given to all of the <s> (RoBERTa ‘CLS’ equivalent) tokens. Please refer to the Longformer paper for more details. Mask values selected in [0, 1]: 0 for local attention, 1 for global attention.

abstractive.trim_batch(input_ids, pad_token_id, attention_mask=None)[source]

Remove columns that are populated exclusively by pad_token_id.