Differences from PreSumm/BertSum

This project accomplishes a task similar to BertSum/PreSumm (and is based on their research). However, TransformerSum improves various aspects and adds several features on top of BertSum/PreSumm. The most notable improvements are listed below.


PreSumm (Yang Liu and Mirella Lapata) builds on top of BertSum (Yang Liu) by adding abstractive summarization. BertSum was extractive only.


  • This project uses pytorch_lighting, which is a template to better organize PyTorch code. It automates most of the training loop. It also results in easier to read code than plain PyTorch because everything is organized.

  • TransformerSum contains comments explaining design decisions and how code works. Significant functions also have detailed docstrings. See get_features() for an example.

  • Easy pre-trained model loading and modification thanks to pytorch_lightning’s load_from_checkpoint() that is automatically inherited by every pl.LightningModule.

  • There is a prediction() function included with the extractive.ExtractiveSummarizer and abstractive.AbstractiveSummarizer classes that summaries a string. This makes it easy to initialize a model and quickly perform inference.

Converting a Dataset to Extractive

  • Separation between the dataset conversion from abstractive to extractive and the training process. This means the same converted dataset can be used by any transformer model with further automatic processing.

  • The convert_to_extractive.py script uses the more up-to-date spacy whereas BertSum utilizes Stanford CoreNLP. Spacy has the added benefit of being a python library (while CoreNLP is a java application), which means easier to understand code.

  • Supports the same greedy_selection() and combination_selection() of BertSum.

  • A more robust CLI that allows for various desired outputs.

  • Built in optional gzip compression.

  • Integration with huggingface/nlp means any summarization dataset in the nlp library can be converted to extractive by only modifying 4 options (specifically --dataset, --dataset_version, --data_example_column, and --data_summarized_column). The nlp library will handle downloading and pre-processing.

Pooling for Extractive Models

  • Supports the sent_rep_tokens and mean_tokens pooling methods whereas BertSum only supports sent_rep_tokens. See Pooling Modes for more info.

  • Pooling is separated from the main model’s forward() function for easy extendability.

Data for Extractive Models

  • The data processing and loading uses normal PyTorch DataLoader``s and ``Dataset``s instead of recreations of these classes as in ``BertSum.

  • A collate_fn function converts the data from the dataset to tensors suitable for input to the model, as is stand PyTorch convention.

  • The collate_fn function also performs “smart batching.” It performs padding on the necessary information for each batch, which is more efficient than padding for the entire dataset or each chunk.

  • The data.FSIterableDataset class loads a dataset in chunks and is a subclass of torch.utils.data.IterableDataset. While BertSum also supports chunked loading to lower RAM usage, TransformerSum’s technique is more robust and directly integrates with PyTorch.

Extractive Model and Training

  • Compatible with every huggingface/transformers transformer encoder model. BertSum can only use Bert, whereas this project supports all encoders by only changing two options when training.

  • Easily extendable with new custom models that are saved in the huggingface/transformers format. In this way, integration with the longformer was easily accomplished (this integration was since removed since huggingface/transformers implemented the longformer directly..

  • For the extractive component, BertSum supports three classifiers: a linear layer, a transformer, and a LSTM network. This project supports four different classifiers: linear, a few linear layers with dropout and an activation function; simple_linear, a single linear layer; transformer, which runs the input through some nn.TransformerEncoderLayer layers; and transformer_linear, a linear layer combined with a transformer. The classifier is responsible for removing the hidden features from each sentence embedding and converting them to a single number. The BertSum paper indicates that the difference between these classifiers is not major.

  • The reduction method for the BCE loss function is different in TransformerSum than BertSum. BertSum takes the sum of the losses for each sentence (ignoring padding) even though it looks like it uses the mean. Five different reduction methods were tested (see the Loss Functions). There did not appear to a significant difference, but the best was chosen.

  • The batch size parameter of BertSum is not the real batch size (which is likely caused by the custom DataLoader). In this project batch size is the number of documents processed on the GPU at once.

  • Multiple optimizers are supported “out-of-the-box” in TransformerSum without any need to modify the code.

  • The OneCycle and linear_schedule_with_warmup schedulers are supported in TransformerSum “out-of-the-box.”

  • Logging of all five loss functions (for both the train and validation sets), accuracy, and more is supported. Weights & Biases and Tensorboard are supported “out-of-the-box” but pytorch_lightning can integrate several other loggers.

Abstractive Model and Training

  • Dataset preparation happens extremely quickly (minutes instead of hours; CNN/DM can be ready to train in about 10 minutes from the raw data)

  • Integration with huggingface/nlp means any summarization dataset in the nlp library can be used for training by only modifying 4 options (specifically --dataset, --dataset_version, --data_example_column, and --data_summarized_column). The nlp library will handle downloading and pre-processing while the abstractive.py script will handle tokenization automatically.

  • Compatible with every huggingface/transformers EncoderDecoder model. PreSumm only supports a BERT encoder and a standard transformer decoder, whereas this project supports all EncoderDecoder models by changing a single option (--model_name_or_path).

Where BertSum is Better

  • BertSum has an LSTM classifier, which TransformerSum does not replicate.