Getting Started
Installation is made easy due to conda environments. Simply run this command from the root project directory: conda env create --file environment.yml
and conda will create and environment called transformersum
with all the required packages from environment.yml
. The spacy en_core_web_sm
model is required for the
script to detect sentence boundaries.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Clone this repository:
git clone
.Change to project directory:
cd transformersum
.Run installation command:
conda env create --file environment.yml
(and activate withconda activate transformersum
.(Optional) If using the
script then download theen_core_web_sm
spacy model:python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
I just want to summarize some text
If all you want to do is summarize a text string using a pre-trained model then follow the below steps:
Download a summarization model. Link to pre-trained extractive models. Link to pre-trained abstractive models.
Put the model in a folder named
in the project root.Run
and open the link.On the website enter your text, select your downloaded model, and click “SUBMIT”.
If you want to summarize text using a pre-trained model from python code then follow the below steps:
Download a summarization model. Link to pre-trained extractive models. Link to pre-trained abstractive models.
Instantiate the model:
For extractive summarization:
from extractive import ExtractiveSummarizer model = ExtractiveSummarizer.load_from_checkpoint("path/to/ckpt/file")
For abstractive summarization:
from abstractive import AbstractiveSummarizer model = AbstractiveSummarizer.load_from_checkpoint("path/to/ckpt/file")
Run prediction on a string of text:
text_to_summarize = "Something Awesome" summary = model.predict(text_to_summarize)
When loading a pre-trained model you may encounter this common error:
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for ExtractiveSummarizer:
Missing key(s) in state_dict: "word_embedding_model.embeddings.position_ids".
To solve this issue, set strict=False
like so: model = ExtractiveSummarizer.load_from_checkpoint("distilroberta-base-ext-sum.ckpt", strict=False)
If you are using an ExtractiveSummarizer
, then you can pass num_summary_sentences
to specify the number of sentences in the output summary. For instance, summary = model.predict(text_to_summarize, num_summary_sentences=5)
. The default is 3 sentences. More info at extractive.ExtractiveSummarizer.predict()
Extractive Summarization
Convert dataset from abstractive to extractive (different for each dataset)
Create features and tokenize the extractive dataset (different for every model)
Train the model using the training script
Test the model using the training script
Lets train a model that performs extractive summarization. In this tutorial we will be using BERT, but you can easily use any autoencoding model from huggingface/transformers.
Autoencoding models are pretrained by corrupting the input tokens in some way and trying to reconstruct the original sentence. They correspond to the encoder of the original transformer model in the sense that they get access to the full inputs without any mask. Those models usually build a bidirectional representation of the whole sentence. They can be fine-tuned and achieve great results on many tasks such as text generation, but their most natural application is sentence classification or token classification. A typical example of such models is BERT. For more information about the different type of transformer models go to the Huggingface “Summary of the models” page.
The first step to train this model is to download the data. You can see all the datasets that are natively supported on the Extractive Supported Datasets page. We will be using the well-known CNN/DailyMail dataset since its summaries are relatively extractive and the input articles are not incredibly long. You can download the data from the “Data Download Link” link on the CNN/DM page. You can skip directly to step 2 as listed above by downloading the “Extractive Version” or you can skip to step 3 by downloading the bert-base-uncased-ext-sum
model data from CNN/DM.
To be clear, this is an abstractive dataset so we will convert it to the extractive task using the
script. You can read more about this script on the Convert Abstractive to Extractive Dataset page, but in short it creates a completely extractive summary that maximizes the ROUGE score between itself and the ground-truth abstractive summary. Labels (a list of 0s and 1s where 0s correspond to sentences that should not be in the summary and 1s correspond to sentences that should be in the summary) can be generated from this extractive summary. Visit Convert Abstractive to Extractive Dataset if you want to do this to your own dataset. For now, all you need to understand is that the above happens. You can download the preprocessed data instead of recomputing and recreating it yourself. However, there is one more step you can skip by downloading preprocessed data.
Command to convert dataset to extractive (more info):
python ./datasets/cnn_dailymail_processor/cnn_dm --shard_interval 5000 --compression --add_target_to test
Once we have an extractive dataset, we need to convert the text into features that the computer can understand. This includes input_ids
, attention_mask
, sent_rep_token_ids
, and more. The extractive.ExtractiveSummarizer.forward()
and data.SentencesProcessor.get_features()
docstrings explains these features nicely. The huggingface/transformers glossary is a good resource as well. This conversion to model-specific features happens automatically before training begins. Since the features are model-specific, the training script is responsible for converting the data. It creates a SentencesProcessor
that does most of the heavy lifting. You can learn more about this automatic preprocessing on the Automatic Preprocessing page.
Command to only pre-process the data and stop right before training would begin (more info):
python --data_path ./datasets/cnn_dailymail_processor/cnn_dm --use_logger tensorboard --model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased --model_type bert --do_train --only_preprocess
If you didn’t run the above commands then download the bert-base-uncased-ext-sum
model data from CNN/DM. You can do this from the command line with gdown <link_to_data>
(install gdown
with pip install gdown
). Extract the data with tar -xzvf bert-base-uncased.tar.gz
. Now you are ready to train. The BERT model will be downloaded automatically by the huggingface/transformers
Training command:
python \
--model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
--model_type bert \
--data_path ./bert-base-uncased \
--max_epochs 3 \
--accumulate_grad_batches 2 \
--warmup_steps 2300 \
--gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
--optimizer_type adamw \
--use_scheduler linear \
--do_train --do_test \
--batch_size 16
You can learn more about the above command on Training an Extractive Summarization Model.
More example training commands can be found on the TransformerSum Weights & Biases page. Just click the name of a training run, go to the overview page by clicking the “i” icon in the top left, and look at the command value.
Abstractive Summarization
Lets train a model that performs abstractive summarization. Whereas autoencoding models are used for extractive summarization, sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models are used for abstractive summarization. In short, autoregressive models correspond to the decoder of the original transformer model, autoencoding models correspond to the encoder, and sequence-to-sequence models use both the encoder and the decoder of the original transformer.
Sequence-to-sequence models use both the encoder and the decoder of the original transformer, either for translation tasks or by transforming other tasks to sequence-to-sequence problems. They can be fine-tuned to many tasks but their most natural applications are translation, summarization and question answering. The original transformer model is an example of such a model (only for translation), T5 is an example that can be fine-tuned on other tasks.
You can easily fine-tune a seq2seq model on a summarization dataset using the summarization examples in huggingface/transformers. Thus, in this project we focus on being able to use any autoencoding model with a autoregressive model to create an EncoderDecoderModel. We also focus on performing abstractive summarization on long sequences (or see the below short explanation).
In this tutorial we will be constructing bert-to-bert, but you can easily use a different model combination from huggingface/transformers. The --model_name_or_path
option specifies the encoder and the --decoder_model_name_or_path
specifies the decoder. If --decoder_model_name_or_path
is not set then the value of --model_name_or_path
is used for the decoder.
Any summarization dataset from huggingface/nlp can be used for training by only changing 4 options (specifically --dataset
, --dataset_version
, --data_example_column
, and --data_summarized_column
). The nlp
library will handle downloading and pre-processing while the
script will handle tokenization automatically. The CNN/DM dataset is the default so if you want to use that dataset you don’t need to specify any options concerning data. There is a list of suggested datasets at Abstractive Supported Datasets.
So, in brief, training an abstractive model is as easy as running one command. Go to Example for an example training command.
Long Sequences Abstractive - Quick Tutorial: Set --model_name_or_path
to allenai/led-base-16384
or allenai/led-large-16384
. You can now create summaries from sequences up to 16,384 tokens using the LED.
Long Sequence Summarization
This project can summarize long sequences (where long sequences are considered those greater than 512-1024 tokens) using both extractive and abstractive models.
To perform extractive summarization on long sequences, simply use the longformer
model as the word_embedding_model
, which is specified by --model_name_or_path
. In other words, set --model_name_or_path
to allenai/longformer-base-4096
or allenai/longformer-large-4096
to summarize documents of max length 4,096 tokens. For the most up-to-date model shortcut codes visit the huggingface pretrained models page and the community models page.
To perform abstractive summarization on long sequences, simply use the LED
(LongformerEncoderDecoder) model, which is specified by --model_name_or_path
. In other words, set --model_name_or_path
to allenai/led-base-16384
or allenai/led-large-16384
to summarize documents of max length 16,384 tokens. For the most up-to-date model shortcut codes visit the community models page. Long abstractive summarization used to require a complicated setup with specific versions of three separate libraries. But, as of huggingface/transformers
v4.2.0, the LED
was incorporated directly into the library, thus simplifying the fine-tuning process.
Abstractive text summarization is a sequence-to-sequence problem solved by sequence-to-sequence models. However, state-of-the-art seq2seq models only function on short sequences. Nevertheless, BART can be modified to use the sliding window attention from the longformer to create a seq2seq model that can abstractively summarize sequences up to 16,384 tokens. Visit Abstractive Long Summarization for more information.