Training an Abstractive Summarization Model

You can finetune/train abstractive summarization models such as BART and T5 with this script. You can also train models consisting of any encoder and decoder combination with an EncoderDecoderModel by specifying the --decoder_model_name_or_path option (the --model_name_or_path argument specifies the encoder when using this configuration).



Version 3.1.0 of huggingface/transformers enhances the encoder-decoder framework to allow for more encoder decoder model combinations such as Bert2GPT2, Roberta2Roberta, and Longformer2Roberta. Patrick von Platen has trained and tested some of these model combinations using custom scripts. His results can be found at this huggingface/models page.

The effectiveness of initializing sequence-to-sequence models with pre-trained checkpoints for sequence generation tasks was shown in Leveraging Pre-trained Checkpoints for Sequence Generation Tasks by Sascha Rothe, Shashi Narayan, Aliaksei Severyn. Results for EncoderDecoderModels can be found in this paper. This script should be able to produce similar results to this paper.


This script acts like a data preparation, training loop logic, and evaluation wrapper around models from huggingface/transformers. For this reason, you can specify the --save_hg_transformer option, which will save the huggingface/transformers model whenever a checkpoint is saved using model.save_pretrained(save_path). Then, the trained model can be loaded without the TransformerSum library using just huggingface/transformers in the future by running AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained() (or EncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained() if --decoder_model_name_or_path was used during training).


Example training command:

python \
--mode abstractive \
--model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
--decoder_model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
--cache_file_path data \
--max_epochs 4 \
--do_train --do_test \
--batch_size 4 \
--weights_save_path model_weights \
--no_wandb_logger_log_model \
--accumulate_grad_batches 5 \
--use_scheduler linear \
--warmup_steps 8000 \
--gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
--custom_checkpoint_every_n 300

This command will train and test a bert-to-bert model for abstractive summarization for 4 epochs with a batch size of 4. The weights are saved to model_weights/ and will not be uploaded to due to the --no_wandb_logger_log_model option. The CNN/DM dataset (which is the default dataset) will be downloaded (and automatically processed) to data/. The gradients will be accumulated every 5 batches and training will be optimized by AdamW with a scheduler that warms up linearly for 8000 then decays. A checkpoint file will be saved every 300 steps.

Importantly, you can specify the --tie_encoder_decoder option to tie the weights of the encoder and decoder when using an EncoderDecoderModel architecture. Specifying this option is equivalent to the “share” architecture tested in Leveraging Pre-trained Checkpoints for Sequence Generation Tasks.

Abstractive Long Summarization

This script can perform abstractive summarization on long sequences using the LongformerEncoderDecoder model. LongformerEncoderDecoder is BART (paper) but with components from the longformer (paper) that enable it to operate with long sequences.

During the development phase of the LED, LED installation and usage was complicated. Now, it is as simple as setting the --model_name_or_path option to a model from the LED community models page.


You can adjust the sequence length that the trained LED model will be able to handle by modifying the --model_max_length argument. This option controls the length of sequences during the data processing stage. So, this option will have no effect with pre-compiled datasets listed under the “Preprocessed Data Download” heading on Abstractive Supported Datasets.

GitHub issues that discussed the creation of LongformerEncoderDecoder:

  1. huggingface/transformers #4406

  2. allenai/longformer #28

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Download dataset (≈2.8GB): gdown

  2. Extract (≈90GB): tar -xzvf longformer-encdec-base-8192.tar.gz

  3. Training command:

    python \
    --mode abstractive \
    --model_name_or_path allenai/led-base-16384 \
    --max_epochs 4 \
    --dataset scientific_papers \
    --do_train \
    --precision 16 \
    --amp_level O2 \
    --sortish_sampler \
    --batch_size 8 \
    --gradient_checkpointing \
    --label_smoothing 0.1 \
    --accumulate_grad_batches 2 \
    --use_scheduler linear \
    --warmup_steps 16000 \
    --gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
    --cache_file_path longformer-encdec-base-8192 \
    --nlp_cache_dir nlp-cache \
    --custom_checkpoint_every_n 18000
  4. The --max_epochs, --batch_size, --accumulate_grad_batches, --warmup_steps, and --custom_checkpoint_every_n values will need to be tweaked.

Script Help

Output of python --mode abstractive --help (generic options removed):

usage: [-h]
            [--model_name_or_path MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH]
            [--decoder_model_name_or_path DECODER_MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH]
            [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--val_batch_size VAL_BATCH_SIZE]
            [--test_batch_size TEST_BATCH_SIZE]
            [--dataloader_num_workers DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS] [--only_preprocess]
            [--no_prepare_data] [--dataset DATASET [DATASET ...]]
            [--dataset_version DATASET_VERSION] [--data_example_column DATA_EXAMPLE_COLUMN]
            [--data_summarized_column DATA_SUMMARIZED_COLUMN]
            [--cache_file_path CACHE_FILE_PATH] [--split_char SPLIT_CHAR]
            [--use_percentage_of_data USE_PERCENTAGE_OF_DATA]
            [--save_percentage SAVE_PERCENTAGE] [--save_hg_transformer] [--test_use_pyrouge]
            [--sentencizer] [--gen_max_len GEN_MAX_LEN] [--label_smoothing LABEL_SMOOTHING]
            [--sortish_sampler] [--nlp_cache_dir NLP_CACHE_DIR] [--tie_encoder_decoder]

optional arguments:
--model_name_or_path MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH
                        Path to pre-trained model or shortcut name. A list of shortcut names
                        can be found at
                        uploaded models are located at Default
                        is 'bert-base-uncased'.
--decoder_model_name_or_path DECODER_MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH
                        Path to pre-trained model or shortcut name to use as the decoder if an
                        EncoderDecoderModel architecture is desired. If this option is not
                        specified, the shortcut name specified by `--model_name_or_path` is
                        loaded using the Seq2seq AutoModel. Default is 'bert-base-uncased'.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size per GPU/CPU for training/evaluation/testing.
--val_batch_size VAL_BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size per GPU/CPU for evaluation. This option overwrites
                        `--batch_size` for evaluation only.
--test_batch_size TEST_BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size per GPU/CPU for testing. This option overwrites
                        `--batch_size` for testing only.
--dataloader_num_workers DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to use when loading data. A general place to
                        start is to set num_workers equal to the number of CPUs on your
                        machine. More details here: https://pytorch-
--only_preprocess     Only preprocess and write the data to disk. Don't train model.
--no_prepare_data     Don't download, tokenize, or prepare data. Only load it from files.
--dataset DATASET [DATASET ...]
                        The dataset name from the `nlp` library or a list of paths to Apache
                        Arrow files (that can be loaded with `nlp`) in the order train,
                        validation, test to use for training/evaluation/testing. Paths must
                        contain a '/' to be interpreted correctly. Default is `cnn_dailymail`.
--dataset_version DATASET_VERSION
                        The version of the dataset specified by `--dataset`.
--data_example_column DATA_EXAMPLE_COLUMN
                        The column of the `nlp` dataset that contains the text to be
                        summarized. Default value is for the `cnn_dailymail` dataset.
--data_summarized_column DATA_SUMMARIZED_COLUMN
                        The column of the `nlp` dataset that contains the summarized text.
                        Default value is for the `cnn_dailymail` dataset.
--cache_file_path CACHE_FILE_PATH
                        Path to cache the tokenized dataset.
--split_char SPLIT_CHAR
                        If the `--data_summarized_column` is already split into sentences then
                        use this option to specify which token marks sentence boundaries. If
                        the summaries are not split into sentences then spacy will be used to
                        split them. The default is None, which means to use spacy.
--use_percentage_of_data USE_PERCENTAGE_OF_DATA
                        When filtering the dataset, only save a percentage of the data. This is
                        useful for debugging when you don't want to process the entire dataset.
--save_percentage SAVE_PERCENTAGE
                        Percentage (divided by batch_size) between 0 and 1 of the predicted and
                        target summaries from the test set to save to disk during testing. This
                        depends on batch size: one item from each batch is saved
                        `--save_percentage` percent of the time. Thus, you can expect
                        `len(dataset)*save_percentage/batch_size` summaries to be saved.
                        Save the `huggingface/transformers` model whenever a checkpoint is
--test_use_pyrouge    Use `pyrouge`, which is an interface to the official ROUGE software,
                        instead of the pure-python implementation provided by `rouge-score`.
                        You must have the real ROUGE package installed. More details about
                        ROUGE 1.5.5 here:
                        is recommended to use this option for official scores. The `ROUGE-L`
                        measurements from `pyrouge` are equivalent to the `rougeLsum`
                        measurements from the default `rouge-score` package.
--sentencizer         Use a spacy sentencizer instead of a statistical model for sentence
                        detection (much faster but less accurate) during data preprocessing;
--gen_max_len GEN_MAX_LEN
                        Maximum sequence length during generation while testing and when using
                        the `predict()` function.
--label_smoothing LABEL_SMOOTHING
                        `LabelSmoothingLoss` implementation from OpenNMT
                        ( as stated in the original paper
--sortish_sampler     Reorganize the input_ids by length with a bit of randomness. This can
                        help to avoid memory errors caused by large batches by forcing large
                        batches to be processed first.
--nlp_cache_dir NLP_CACHE_DIR
                        Directory to cache datasets downloaded using `nlp`. Defaults to
                        Tie the encoder and decoder weights. Only takes effect when using an
                        EncoderDecoderModel architecture with the
                        `--decoder_model_name_or_path` option. Specifying this option is
                        equivalent to the 'share' architecture tested in 'Leveraging Pre-
                        trained Checkpoints for Sequence Generation Tasks'