Training an Extractive Summarization Model


Once the dataset has been converted to the extractive task, it can be used as input to a data.SentencesProcessor, which has a add_examples() function to add sets of (example, labels) and a get_features() function that processes the data and prepares it to be inputted into the model (input_ids, attention_masks, labels, token_type_ids, sent_rep_token_ids, sent_rep_token_ids_masks). Feature extraction runs in parallel and tokenizes text using the tokenizer appropriate for the model specified with --model_name_or_path. The tokenizer can be changed to another huggingface/transformers tokenizer with the --tokenizer_name option.


When loading a pre-trained model you may encounter this common error:

RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for ExtractiveSummarizer:
Missing key(s) in state_dict: "word_embedding_model.embeddings.position_ids".

To solve this issue, set strict=False like so: model = ExtractiveSummarizer.load_from_checkpoint("distilroberta-base-ext-sum.ckpt", strict=False). If you are using the script, then you can alternatively sepcify the --no_strict option.

For the CNN/DM dataset, to train a model for 50,000 steps on the data run:

python --data_path ./datasets/cnn_dailymail_processor/cnn_dm --weights_save_path ./trained_models --do_train --max_steps 50000
  • The --do_train argument runs the training process. Set –do_test to test after training.

  • The --data_path argument specifies where the extractive dataset json file are located.

  • The –weights_save_path argument specifies where the model weights should be stored.

If you prefer to measure training progress by epochs instead of steps, you can use the --max_epochs and --min_epochs options.

The batch size can be changed with the --batch_size option. This changes the batch size for training, validation, and testing. You can set the --auto_scale_batch_size option to automatically determine this value. See “Auto scaling of batch size” from the pytorch_lightning documentation for more information about the algorithm and available options.

If the extractive dataset json files are compressed using gzip, then they will be automatically decompressed during the data preprocessing step of training.

By default, the model weights are saved after every epoch to the --default_root_dir. The logs are also saved to this folder. You can change the weight save path (separate folder for logs and weights) with the --weights_save_path option.

The length of output summaries during testing is 3 by default. You can change this by setting the --test_k option to the number of sentences desired in generated summaries. This assumes --test_id_method is set to top_k, which is the default. top_k selects the top k sentences and the other option, greater_k, selects those sentences with a rank above k. k is specified by the --test_k argument.


More example training commands can be found on the TransformerSum Weights & Biases page. Just click the name of a training run, go to the overview page by clicking the “i” icon in the top left, and look at the command value.

Pooling Modes

The pooling model determines how word vectors should be converted to sentence embeddings. The implementation can be found in The --pooling_mode argument can be set to either sent_rep_tokens or mean_tokens. While the pooling nn.Module allows multiple methods to be used at once (it will concatenate and return the results), the training script does not.

  • sent_rep_tokens: Uses the sentence representation token (commonly called the classification token; [CLS] in BERT and <s> in RoBERTa) vectors as sentence embeddings.

  • mean_tokens: Uses the average of the token vectors for each sentence in the input as sentence embeddings.

  • max_tokens: Uses the maximum of the token vectors for each sentence in the input as sentence embeddings.

Custom Models

You can use any autoencoding transformer model for the word embedding model (by setting the --model_name_or_path CLI argument) as long as it was saved in the huggingface/transformers format. Any model that is loaded with this option by specifying a path is considered “custom” in this project. Currently, there are no “custom” models that are “officially” supported. The longformer used to be a custom model, but it was since added to the huggingface/transformers repository, and thus can be used in this project just like any other model.

Script Help

Output of python --mode extractive --help (generic options removed):

usage: [-h]
            [--model_name_or_path MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH] [--model_type MODEL_TYPE]
            [--tokenizer_name TOKENIZER_NAME] [--tokenizer_no_use_fast]
            [--max_seq_length MAX_SEQ_LENGTH] [--data_path DATA_PATH]
            [--data_type {txt,pt,none}] [--num_threads NUM_THREADS]
            [--processing_num_threads PROCESSING_NUM_THREADS]
            [--pooling_mode {sent_rep_tokens,mean_tokens,max_tokens}]
            [--num_frozen_steps NUM_FROZEN_STEPS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
            [--dataloader_type {map,iterable}]
            [--dataloader_num_workers DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS]
            [--processor_no_bert_compatible_cls] [--only_preprocess]
            [--preprocess_resume] [--create_token_type_ids {binary,sequential}]
            [--classifier {linear,simple_linear,transformer,transformer_linear}]
            [--classifier_dropout CLASSIFIER_DROPOUT]
            [--classifier_transformer_num_layers CLASSIFIER_TRANSFORMER_NUM_LAYERS]
            [--train_name TRAIN_NAME] [--val_name VAL_NAME]
            [--test_name TEST_NAME] [--test_id_method {greater_k,top_k}]
            [--test_k TEST_K] [--no_test_block_trigrams] [--test_use_pyrouge]
            [--loss_key {loss_total,loss_total_norm_batch,loss_avg_seq_sum,loss_avg_seq_mean,loss_avg}]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--model_name_or_path MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH
                        Path to pre-trained model or shortcut name. A list of
                        shortcut names can be found at
                        sformers/pretrained_models.html. Community-uploaded models
                        are located at
--model_type MODEL_TYPE
                        Model type selected in the list: retribert, t5,
                        distilbert, albert, camembert, xlm-roberta, bart,
                        longformer, roberta, bert, openai-gpt, gpt2, mobilebert,
                        transfo-xl, xlnet, flaubert, xlm, ctrl, electra, reformer
--tokenizer_name TOKENIZER_NAME
                        Don't use the fast version of the tokenizer for the
                        specified model. More info:
--max_seq_length MAX_SEQ_LENGTH
                        The maximum sequence length of processed documents.
--data_path DATA_PATH
                        Directory containing the dataset.
--data_type {txt,pt,none}
                        The file extension of the prepared data. The 'map'
                        `--dataloader_type` requires `txt` and the 'iterable'
                        `--dataloader_type` works with both. If the data is not
                        prepared yet (in JSON format) this value specifies the
                        output format after processing. If the data is prepared,
                        this value specifies the format to load. If it is `none`
                        then the type of data to be loaded will be inferred from
                        the `data_path`. If data needs to be prepared, this cannot
                        be set to `none`.
--num_threads NUM_THREADS
--processing_num_threads PROCESSING_NUM_THREADS
--pooling_mode {sent_rep_tokens,mean_tokens,max_tokens}
                        How word vectors should be converted to sentence
--num_frozen_steps NUM_FROZEN_STEPS
                        Freeze (don't train) the word embedding model for this
                        many steps.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size per GPU/CPU for training/evaluation/testing.
--dataloader_type {map,iterable}
                        The style of dataloader to use. `map` is faster and uses
                        less memory.
--dataloader_num_workers DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS
                        The number of workers to use when loading data. A general
                        place to start is to set num_workers equal to the number
                        of CPU cores on your machine. If `--dataloader_type` is
                        'iterable' then this setting has no effect and num_workers
                        will be 1. More details here: https://pytorch-
                        If model uses bert compatible [CLS] tokens for sentence
--only_preprocess     Only preprocess and write the data to disk. Don't train
                        model. This will force data to be preprocessed, even if it
                        was already computed and is detected on disk, and any
                        previous processed files will be overwritten.
--preprocess_resume   Resume preprocessing. `--only_preprocess` must be set in
                        order to resume. Determines which files to process by
                        finding the shards that do not have a coresponding ".pt"
                        file in the data directory.
--create_token_type_ids {binary,sequential}
                        Create token type ids during preprocessing.
                        Set to not train with `token_type_ids` (don't pass them
                        into the model).
--classifier {linear,simple_linear,transformer,transformer_linear}
                        Which classifier/encoder to use to reduce the hidden
                        dimension of the sentence vectors. `linear` - a
                        `LinearClassifier` with two linear layers, dropout, and an
                        activation function. `simple_linear` - a
                        `LinearClassifier` with one linear layer and a sigmoid.
                        `transformer` - a `TransformerEncoderClassifier` which
                        runs the sentence vectors through some
                        `nn.TransformerEncoderLayer`s and then a simple
                        `nn.Linear` layer. `transformer_linear` - a
                        `TransformerEncoderClassifier` with a `LinearClassifier`
                        as the `reduction` parameter, which results in the same
                        thing as the `transformer` option but with a
                        `LinearClassifier` instead of a `nn.Linear` layer.
--classifier_dropout CLASSIFIER_DROPOUT
                        The value for the dropout layers in the classifier.
--classifier_transformer_num_layers CLASSIFIER_TRANSFORMER_NUM_LAYERS
                        The number of layers for the `transformer` classifier.
                        Only has an effect if `--classifier` contains
--train_name TRAIN_NAME
                        name for set of training files on disk (for loading and
--val_name VAL_NAME   name for set of validation files on disk (for loading and
--test_name TEST_NAME
                        name for set of testing files on disk (for loading and
--test_id_method {greater_k,top_k}
                        How to chose the top predictions from the model for ROUGE
--test_k TEST_K       The `k` parameter for the `--test_id_method`. Must be set
                        if using the `greater_k` option. (default: 3)
                        Disable trigram blocking when calculating ROUGE scores
                        during testing. This will increase repetition and thus
                        decrease accuracy.
--test_use_pyrouge    Use `pyrouge`, which is an interface to the official ROUGE
                        software, instead of the pure-python implementation
                        provided by `rouge-score`. You must have the real ROUGE
                        package installed. More details about ROUGE 1.5.5 here: ht
                        1.5.5. It is recommended to use this option for official
                        scores. The `ROUGE-L` measurements from `pyrouge` are
                        equivalent to the `rougeLsum` measurements from the
                        default `rouge-score` package.
--loss_key {loss_total,loss_total_norm_batch,loss_avg_seq_sum,loss_avg_seq_mean,loss_avg}
                        Which reduction method to use with BCELoss. See the
                        `experiments/loss_functions/` folder for info on how the
                        default (`loss_avg_seq_mean`) was chosen.