Source code for data

import copy
import gc
import json
import linecache
import logging
import os
import random
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool

import numpy as np
import torch

from helpers import pad

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def pad_batch_collate(batch, modifier=None): r""" Collate function to be passed to ``DataLoaders``. PyTorch Docs: ` <>`__ Calculates padding (per batch for efficiency) of ``labels`` and ``token_type_ids`` if they exist within the batch from the ``Dataset``. Also, pads ``sent_rep_token_ids`` and creates the ``sent_rep_mask`` to indicate which numbers in the ``sent_rep_token_ids`` list are actually the locations of sentence representation ids and which are padding. Finally, calculates the ``attention_mask`` for each set of ``input_ids`` and pads both the ``attention_mask`` and the ``input_ids``. Converts all inputs to tensors. If ``sent_lengths`` are found then they will also automatically be padded. However, the padding for sentence lengths is complicated. Each list of sentence lengths needs to be the length of the longest list of sentence lengths and the sum of all the lengths in each list needs to add to the length of the input_ids width (the length of each input_id). The second requirement exists because ``torch.split()`` (which is used in the ``mean_tokens`` pooling algorithm to convert word vectors to sentence embeddings in ````) will split a tensor into the lengths requested but will error instead of returning any extra. However, ``torch.split()`` will split a tensor into zero length segments. Thus, to solve this, zeros are added to each sentence length list for each example until one more padding value is needed to get the maximum number of sentences. Once only one more value is needed, the total value needded to reach the width of the ``input_ids`` is added. ``source`` and ``target``, if present, are simply passed on without any processing. Therefore, the standard ``collate_fn`` function for ``DataLoader``\ s will not work if these are present since they cannot be converted to tensors without padding. This ``collate_fn`` must be used if ``source`` or ``target`` is present in the loaded dataset. The ``modifier`` argument accepts a function that takes the ``final_dictionary`` and returns a modified ``final_dictionary``. The ``modifier`` function will be called directly before ``final_dictionary`` is returned in :meth:`~data.pad_batch_collate`. This allows for easy extendability. """ # noqa: E501 elem = batch[0] final_dictionary = {} for key in elem: # don't process `sent_lengths` if key == "sent_lengths": continue feature_list = [d[key] for d in batch] if key == "sent_rep_token_ids": feature_list = pad(feature_list, -1) sent_rep_token_ids = torch.tensor(feature_list) sent_rep_mask = ~(sent_rep_token_ids == -1) sent_rep_token_ids[sent_rep_token_ids == -1] = 0 final_dictionary["sent_rep_token_ids"] = sent_rep_token_ids final_dictionary["sent_rep_mask"] = sent_rep_mask continue # go to next key if key == "input_ids": input_ids = feature_list # Attention # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real # tokens are attended to. attention_mask = [[1] * len(ids) for ids in input_ids] input_ids_width = max(len(ids) for ids in input_ids) input_ids = pad(input_ids, 0, width=input_ids_width) input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids) attention_mask = pad(attention_mask, 0) attention_mask = torch.tensor(attention_mask) if "sent_lengths" in elem: sent_lengths = [] sent_lengths_mask = [] sent_lengths_width = max(len(d["sent_lengths"]) + 1 for d in batch) for d in batch: current_sent_lens = d["sent_lengths"] current_sent_lengths_mask = [True] * len(current_sent_lens) num_to_add = sent_lengths_width - len(current_sent_lens) total_value_to_add = input_ids_width - sum(current_sent_lens) while num_to_add > 1: num_to_add -= 1 # total_value_to_add -= 1 current_sent_lens.append(0) current_sent_lengths_mask.append(False) # if a value needs to be added to make `sum(current_sent_lens)` the total input # sequence length OR there is one more number to add (this can happen if the # input sequence exactly ends with a sentence, making the total of the lengths # the length of the sequence, or if there is one sentence that takes up the # entire sequence) if total_value_to_add > 0 or num_to_add == 1: current_sent_lens.append(total_value_to_add) current_sent_lengths_mask.append(False) sent_lengths.append(current_sent_lens) sent_lengths_mask.append(current_sent_lengths_mask) final_dictionary["sent_lengths"] = sent_lengths final_dictionary["sent_lengths_mask"] = torch.tensor(sent_lengths_mask) final_dictionary["input_ids"] = input_ids final_dictionary["attention_mask"] = attention_mask continue if key in ("source", "target"): final_dictionary[key] = feature_list continue if key in ("labels", "token_type_ids"): feature_list = pad(feature_list, 0) feature_list = torch.tensor(feature_list) final_dictionary[key] = feature_list if modifier: final_dictionary = modifier(final_dictionary) return final_dictionary
[docs]class FSDataset( def __init__(self, files_list, shuffle=True, verbose=False): super(FSDataset).__init__() if shuffle: random.shuffle(files_list) # happens in-place self.files_list = files_list self.shuffle = shuffle self.verbose = verbose self.lengths = self.get_files_lengths(files_list)
[docs] def get_files_lengths(self, files_list): lengths = [] for data_file in files_list: data_file_len = sum(1 for i in open(data_file, "rb")) lengths.append(data_file_len) lengths = np.cumsum(lengths) self.lengths = lengths return lengths
def __getitem__(self, index): file_index = np.searchsorted( self.lengths, [ index, ], side="right", )[0] if file_index > 0: total_lines_in_other_files = self.lengths[file_index - 1] else: total_lines_in_other_files = 0 file_path = self.files_list[file_index] linecache_index = index + 1 # linecache starts at 1 linecache_index -= ( total_lines_in_other_files # remove lines counted from other files ) line_str = linecache.getline(file_path, linecache_index).rstrip("\n") try: line_json = json.loads(line_str) except Exception: print("** JSON Loading Error **") print(file_path) print(index) print(linecache_index) print(line_str) return line_json def __len__(self): return self.lengths[-1]
[docs]class FSIterableDataset( """ A dataset to yield examples from a list of files that are saved python objects that can be iterated over. These files could be other PyTorch datasets (tested with ``TensorDataset``) or other python objects such as lists, for example. Each file will be loaded one at a time until all the examples have been yielded, at which point the next file will be loaded and used to yield examples, and so on. This means a large dataset can be broken into smaller chunks and this class can be used to load samples as if those files were one dataset while only utilizing the ram required for one chunk. Explanation about ``batch_size`` and ``__len__()``: If the ``len()`` function is needed to be accurate then the ``batch_size`` must be specified when constructing objects of this class. PyTorch ``DataLoader`` objects will report accurate lengths by dividing the number of examples in the dataset by the batch size only if the dataset if not an ``IterableDataset``. If the dataset is an ``IterableDataset`` then a ``DataLoader`` will simply ask the dataset for its length, without diving by the batch size, because in some cases the length of an ``IterableDataset`` might be difficult or impossible to determine. However, in this case the number of examples (length of dataset) is known. The division by batch size must happen in the dataset (for datasets of type ``IterableDataset``) since the ``DataLoader`` will not calculate this. """ # TODO: Add shuffling def __init__(self, files_list, shuffle=True, verbose=False): super(FSIterableDataset).__init__() if shuffle: random.shuffle(files_list) # happens in-place self.files_list = files_list self.shuffle = shuffle self.verbose = verbose self.total_length = None self.file_type = os.path.splitext(files_list[0])[1] def __iter__(self): for data_file in self.files_list: if self.verbose:"Loading examples from %s", data_file) if self.file_type == ".pt": dataset_section = torch.load(data_file) elif self.file_type == ".txt": with open(data_file, "r") as file: dataset_section = [json.loads(x) for x in file.readlines()] for example in dataset_section: yield example # input(example) # Clear memory usage before loading next file dataset_section = None gc.collect() del dataset_section gc.collect() def __len__(self): if self.total_length: return self.total_length logger.debug( "Calculating length of `IterableDataset` by loading each file, getting the length, " + "and unloading, which is slow." ) total_length = 0 for data_file in self.files_list: if self.file_type == ".pt": dataset_section = torch.load(data_file) elif self.file_type == ".txt": with open(data_file, "r") as file: dataset_section = file.readlines() total_length += len(dataset_section) self.total_length = total_length return total_length
[docs]class InputExample: def __init__(self, text, labels, guid=None, target=None): """A single training/test example for simple sequence classification. Arguments: text {list} -- The untokenized (for the appropriate model) text for the example. Should be broken into sentences and tokens. labels {list} -- The labels of the example. Keyword Arguments: guid {int} -- A unique identification code for this example, not used. Default is None. target {str} -- The ground truth abstractive summary. Default is None. """ self.guid = guid self.text = text self.labels = labels = target def __repr__(self): return str(self.to_json_string())
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Serializes this instance to a Python dictionary.""" output = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) return output
[docs] def to_json_string(self): """Serializes this instance to a JSON string.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2, sort_keys=True) + "\n"
[docs]class InputFeatures: """ A single set of features of data. Args: input_ids: Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. attention_mask: Mask to avoid performing attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: Usually `1` for tokens that are NOT MASKED, `0` for MASKED (padded) tokens. token_type_ids: Usually, segment token indices to indicate first and second portions of the inputs. However, for summarization they are used to indicate different sentences. Depending on the size of the token type id vocabulary, these values may alternate between ``0`` and ``1`` or they may increase sequentially for each sentence in the input. labels: Labels corresponding to the input. sent_rep_token_ids: The locations of the sentence representation tokens. sent_lengths: A list of the lengths of each sentence in the `source` and `input_ids`. source: The actual source document as a list of sentences. target: The ground truth abstractive summary. """ def __init__( self, input_ids, attention_mask=None, token_type_ids=None, labels=None, sent_rep_token_ids=None, sent_lengths=None, source=None, target=None, ): self.input_ids = input_ids self.attention_mask = attention_mask self.token_type_ids = token_type_ids self.labels = labels self.sent_rep_token_ids = sent_rep_token_ids self.sent_lengths = sent_lengths self.source = source = target def __repr__(self): return str(self.to_json_string())
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Serializes this instance to a Python dictionary.""" # output = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) _dict = self.__dict__ # removes empty and NoneType properties from `self.__dict__` output = {} for key, value in _dict.items(): if value: output[key] = value return output
[docs] def to_json_string(self): """Serializes this instance to a JSON string.""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2, sort_keys=True) + "\n"
[docs]class SentencesProcessor: r"""Create a `SentencesProcessor` Arguments: name (str, optional): A label for the ``SentencesProcessor`` object, used internally for saving if a save name is not specified in :meth:`data.SentencesProcessor.get_features`, Default is None. labels (list, optional): The label that goes with each sample, can be a list of lists where the inside lists are the labels for each sentence in the coresponding example. Default is None. examples (list, optional): List of ``InputExample``\ s. Default is None. verbose (bool, optional): Log extra information (such as examples of processed data points). Default is False. """ def __init__(self, name=None, labels=None, examples=None, verbose=False): = name self.labels = [] if labels is None else labels self.examples = [] if examples is None else examples self.verbose = verbose def __len__(self): return len(self.examples)
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_examples(cls, texts, labels=None, **kwargs): """ Create a SentencesProcessor with ``**kwargs`` and add ``texts`` and `labels`` through :meth:`~data.SentencesProcessor.add_examples`. """ processor = cls(**kwargs) processor.add_examples(texts, labels=labels) return processor
[docs] @classmethod def get_input_ids( cls, tokenizer, src_txt, bert_compatible_cls=True, sep_token=None, cls_token=None, max_length=None, ): """ Get ``input_ids`` from ``src_txt`` using ``tokenizer``. See :meth:`~data.SentencesProcessor.get_features` for more info. """ sep_token = str(sep_token) cls_token = str(cls_token) if max_length is None: try: max_length = list(tokenizer.max_model_input_sizes.values())[0] except AttributeError: max_length = tokenizer.model_max_length if max_length > 1_000_000: logger.warning( "Tokenizer maximum length is greater than 1,000,000. This is likely a mistake. " + "Resetting to 512 tokens." ) max_length = 512 # adds a '[CLS]' token between each sentence and outputs `input_ids` if bert_compatible_cls: # If the CLS or SEP tokens exist in the document as part of the dataset, then # set them to UNK unk_token = str(tokenizer.unk_token) src_txt = [ sent.replace(sep_token, unk_token).replace(cls_token, unk_token) for sent in src_txt ] if not len(src_txt) < 2: # if there is NOT 1 sentence # separate each sentence with ' [SEP] [CLS] ' (or model equivalent tokens) and # convert to string separation_string = " " + sep_token + " " + cls_token + " " text = separation_string.join(src_txt) else: try: text = src_txt[0] except IndexError: text = src_txt # tokenize src_subtokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) # select first `(max_length-2)` tokens (so the following line of tokens can be added) src_subtokens = src_subtokens[: (max_length - 2)] # Insert '[CLS]' at beginning and append '[SEP]' to end (or model equivalent tokens) src_subtokens.insert(0, cls_token) src_subtokens.append(sep_token) # create `input_ids` input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(src_subtokens) else: input_ids = tokenizer.encode( src_txt, add_special_tokens=True, max_length=min(max_length, tokenizer.max_len), ) return input_ids
[docs] def add_examples( self, texts, labels=None, ids=None, oracle_ids=None, targets=None, overwrite_labels=False, overwrite_examples=False, ): r"""Primary method of adding example sets of texts, labels, ids, and targets to the ``SentencesProcessor`` Arguments: texts (list): A list of documents where each document is a list of sentences where each sentence is a list of tokens. This is the output of `` and is in the 'src' field for each doc. See :meth:`extractive.ExtractiveSummarizer.prepare_data`. labels (list, optional): A list of the labels for each document where each label is a list of labels where the index of the label coresponds with the index of the sentence in the respective entry in `texts.` Similarly to `texts`, this is handled automatically by `ExtractiveSummarizer.prepare_data`. Default is None. ids (list, optional): A list of ids for each document. Not used by `ExtractiveSummarizer`. Default is None. oracle_ids (list, optional): Similar to labels but is a list of indexes of the chosen sentences instead of a one-hot encoded vector. These will be converted to labels. Default is None. targets (list, optional): A list of the abstractive target for each document. Default is None. overwrite_labels (bool, optional): Replace any labels currently stored by the ``SentencesProcessor``. Default is False. overwrite_examples (bool, optional): Replace any examples currently stored by the ``SentencesProcessor``. Default is False. Returns: list: The examples as ``InputExample``\ s that have been added. """ assert texts # not an empty array assert labels is None or len(texts) == len(labels) assert ids is None or len(texts) == len(ids) assert not (labels and oracle_ids) assert isinstance(texts, list) if ids is None: ids = [None] * len(texts) if labels is None: if oracle_ids: # convert `oracle_ids` to `labels` labels = [] for text_set, oracle_id in zip(texts, oracle_ids): text_label = [0] * len(text_set) for l_id in oracle_id: text_label[l_id] = 1 labels.append(text_label) else: labels = [None] * len(texts) examples = [] added_labels = [] for idx, (text_set, label_set, guid) in enumerate(zip(texts, labels, ids)): if not text_set or not label_set: continue # input() added_labels.append(label_set) if targets: example = InputExample( guid=guid, text=text_set, labels=label_set, target=targets[idx] ) else: example = InputExample(guid=guid, text=text_set, labels=label_set) examples.append(example) # Update examples if overwrite_examples: self.examples = examples else: self.examples.extend(examples) # Update labels if overwrite_labels: self.labels = added_labels else: self.labels += added_labels return self.examples
[docs] def get_features_process( self, input_information, num_examples=0, tokenizer=None, bert_compatible_cls=True, sep_token=None, cls_token=None, create_sent_rep_token_ids=True, sent_rep_token_id=None, create_sent_lengths=True, create_segment_ids="binary", segment_token_id=None, create_source=False, max_length=None, pad_on_left=False, pad_token=0, mask_padding_with_zero=True, create_attention_mask=True, pad_ids_and_attention=True, ): """ The process that actually creates the features. :meth:`~data.SentencesProcessor.get_features` is the driving function, look there for a description of how this function works. This function only exists so that processing can easily be done in parallel using ````. """ ex_index, example, label = input_information if ex_index % 1000 == 0:"Generating features for example %s/%s", ex_index, num_examples) if bert_compatible_cls: # convert `example.text` to array of sentences src_txt = (" ".join(sent) for sent in example.text) else: src_txt = example.text input_ids = self.get_input_ids( tokenizer, src_txt, bert_compatible_cls, sep_token, cls_token, max_length ) # Segment (Token Type) IDs segment_ids = None if create_segment_ids == "binary": current_segment_flag = True segment_ids = [] for token in input_ids: segment_ids += [0 if current_segment_flag else 1] if token == segment_token_id: current_segment_flag = not current_segment_flag if create_segment_ids == "sequential": current_segment = 0 segment_ids = [] for token in input_ids: segment_ids += [current_segment] if token == segment_token_id: current_segment += 1 # Sentence Representation Token IDs and Sentence Lengths sent_rep_ids = None sent_lengths = None if create_sent_rep_token_ids: # create list of indexes for the `sent_rep` tokens sent_rep_ids = [ i for i, t in enumerate(input_ids) if t == sent_rep_token_id ] # truncate `label` to the length of the `sent_rep_ids` aka the number of sentences label = label[: len(sent_rep_ids)] if create_sent_lengths: # if there are 1 or 0 sentences then the length of the entire sequence will be # the only value in `sent_lengths` if len(sent_rep_ids) < 2: sent_lengths = [len(input_ids)] else: sent_lengths = [ sent_rep_ids[i] - sent_rep_ids[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(sent_rep_ids)) ] # Add sentence length for the last sentence, if missing. # If the last sentence representation token position in `input_ids` is not # the last token in `input_ids` then add the length of the last sentence # to `sent_lengths` by subtracting the position of the last `sent_rep_token` # from the length of `input_ids` if sent_rep_ids[-1] != len(input_ids) - 1: sent_lengths.append(len(input_ids) - sent_rep_ids[-1]) # Add sentence length for the first sentence, if missing. # If the first sentence representation token is not the first token in # `input_ids` then add the length of the first sentence by inserting # the first value in `sent_rep_ids` at the front of `sent_lengths`. if sent_rep_ids[0] != 0: sent_lengths.insert(0, sent_rep_ids[0] + 1) # Attention # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real # tokens are attended to. if create_attention_mask: attention_mask = [1 if mask_padding_with_zero else 0] * len(input_ids) # Padding # Zero-pad up to the sequence length. if pad_ids_and_attention: padding_length = max_length - len(input_ids) if pad_on_left: input_ids = ([pad_token] * padding_length) + input_ids attention_mask = ( [0 if mask_padding_with_zero else 1] * padding_length ) + attention_mask else: input_ids = input_ids + ([pad_token] * padding_length) attention_mask = attention_mask + ( [0 if mask_padding_with_zero else 1] * padding_length ) assert ( len(input_ids) == max_length ), "Error with input length {} vs {}".format(len(input_ids), max_length) assert ( len(attention_mask) == max_length ), "Error with input length {} vs {}".format( len(attention_mask), max_length ) if ex_index < 5 and self.verbose:"*** Example ***")"guid: %s", example.guid)"input_ids: %s", " ".join([str(x) for x in input_ids])) if segment_ids is not None: "token_type_ids: %s", " ".join([str(x) for x in segment_ids]) ) if sent_rep_ids is not None: "sent_rep_token_ids: %s", " ".join([str(x) for x in sent_rep_ids]) ) if sent_lengths is not None: "sent_lengths: %s", " ".join([str(x) for x in sent_lengths]) ) if create_attention_mask: "attention_mask: %s", " ".join([str(x) for x in attention_mask]) )"labels: %s (id = %s)", example.labels, label) # Return features # if the attention mask was created then add the mask to the returned features outputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "labels": label, "token_type_ids": segment_ids, "sent_rep_token_ids": sent_rep_ids, "sent_lengths": sent_lengths, "target":, } if create_attention_mask: outputs["attention_mask"] = attention_mask if create_source: # convert form individual tokens to only individual sentences source = [" ".join(sentence) for sentence in example.text] outputs["source"] = source return InputFeatures(**outputs)
[docs] def get_features( self, tokenizer, bert_compatible_cls=True, create_sent_rep_token_ids=True, sent_rep_token_id=None, create_sent_lengths=True, create_segment_ids="binary", segment_token_id=None, create_source=False, n_process=2, max_length=None, pad_on_left=False, pad_token=0, mask_padding_with_zero=True, create_attention_mask=True, pad_ids_and_attention=True, return_type=None, save_to_path=None, save_to_name=None, save_as_type="txt", ): r"""Convert the examples stored by the ``SentencesProcessor`` to features that can be used by a model. The following processes can be performed: tokenization, token type ids (to separate sentences), sentence representation token ids (the locations of each sentence representation token), sentence lengths, and the attention mask. Padding can be applied to the tokenized examples and the attention masks but it is recommended to instead use the :meth:`data.pad_batch_collate` function so each batch is padded individually for efficiency (less zeros passed through model). Arguments: tokenizer (transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer): The tokenizer used to tokenize the examples. bert_compatible_cls (bool, optional): Adds '[CLS]' tokens in front of each sentence. This is useful so that the '[CLS]' token can be used to obtain sentence embeddings. This only works if the chosen model has the '[CLS]' token in its vocabulary. Default is True. create_sent_rep_token_ids (bool, optional): Option to create sentence representation token ids. This will store a list of the indexes of all the ``sent_rep_token_id``\ s in the tokenized example. Default is True. sent_rep_token_id ([type], optional): The token id that should be captured for each sentence (should have one per sentence and each should represent that sentence). Default is ``'[CLS]' token if bert_compatible_cls else '[SEP]' token``. create_sent_lengths (bool, optional): Option to create a list of sentence lengths where each index in the list coresponds to the respective sentence in the example. Default is True. create_segment_ids (str, optional): Option to create segment ids (aka token type ids). See for more info. Set to either "binary", "sequential", or False. * ``binary`` alternates between 0 and 1 for each sentence. * ``sequential`` starts at 0 and increments by 1 for each sentence. * ``False`` does not create any segment ids. Note: Many pretrained models that accept token type ids use them for question answering ans related tasks where the model receives two inputs. Therefore, most models have a token type id vocabulary size of 2, which means they only have learned 2 token type ids. The "binary" mode exists so that these pretrained models can easily be used. Default is "binary". segment_token_id (str, optional): The token id to be used when creating segment ids. Can be set to 'period' to treat periods as sentence separation tokens, but this is a terrible idea for obvious reasons. Default is '[SEP]' token id. create_source (bool, optional): Option to save the source text (non-tokenized) as a string. Default is False. n_process (int, optional): How many processes to use for multithreading for running get_features_process(). Set higher to run faster and set lower is you experience OOM issues. Default is 2. max_length (int, optional): If ``pad_ids_and_attention`` is True then pad to this amount. Default is ``tokenizer.max_len``. pad_on_left (bool, optional): Optionally, pad on the left instead of right. Default is False. pad_token (int, optional): Which token to use for padding the ``input_ids``. Default is 0. mask_padding_with_zero (bool, optional): Use zeros to pad the attention. Uses ones otherwise. Default is True. create_attention_mask (bool, optional): Option to create the attention mask. It is recommended to use the :meth:`data.pad_batch_collate` function, which will automatically create attention masks and pad them on a per batch level. Default is ``False if return_type == "lists" else True``. pad_ids_and_attention (bool, optional): Pad the ``input_ids`` with ``pad_token`` and attention masks with 0s or 1s deneding on ``mask_padding_with_zero``. Pad both to ``max_length``. Default is ``False if return_type == "lists" else True`` return_type (str, optional): Either "tensors", "lists", or None. See "Returns" section below. Default is None. save_to_path (str, optional): The folder/directory to save the data to OR None to not save. Will save the data specified by ``return_type`` to disk. Default is None. save_to_name (str, optional): The name of the file to save. The extension '.pt' is automatically appended. Default is ``'dataset_' + + '.pt'``. save_as_type (str, optional): The file extension of saved file if `save_to_path` is set. Supports "pt" (PyTorch) and "txt" (Text). Saving as "txt" requires the ``return_type`` to be ``lists``. If ``return_type`` is ``tensors`` the only ``save_as_type`` available is "pt". Defaults to "txt". Returns: list or torch.TensorDataset: If ``return_type is None`` return the list of calculated features. If ``return_type == "tensors"`` return the features converted to tensors and stacked such that features are grouped together into individual tensors. If ``return_type == "lists"``, which is the recommended option then exports each ``InputFeatures`` object in the exported ``features`` list as a dictionary and appends each dictionary to a list. Returns that list. """ assert return_type in ["tensors", "lists"] or return_type is None assert save_as_type in ["txt", "pt"] or save_to_path is None if save_as_type == "txt": assert return_type == "lists" if return_type == "tensors": assert save_as_type == "pt" or save_to_path is None if return_type == "lists": create_attention_mask = False pad_ids_and_attention = False else: # if `return_type` is None or "tensors" create_attention_mask = True pad_ids_and_attention = True if max_length is None: max_length = tokenizer.max_len # batch_length = max(len(input_ids) for input_ids in all_input_ids) if create_sent_rep_token_ids: if sent_rep_token_id == "sep": # get the sep token id sent_rep_token_id = tokenizer.sep_token_id elif sent_rep_token_id == "cls": # get the cls token id sent_rep_token_id = tokenizer.cls_token_id elif not sent_rep_token_id: # if the `sent_rep_token_id` is not set # if using `bert_compatible_cls` then default to the `cls_token_id` if bert_compatible_cls: sent_rep_token_id = tokenizer.cls_token_id else: # otherwise, get the `sep_token_id` sent_rep_token_id = tokenizer.sep_token_id if create_segment_ids: if segment_token_id == "period": # get the token id for a "." segment_token_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(["."])[0] elif ( not segment_token_id ): # default to trying to get the `sep_token_id` if the `segment_token_id` is not set segment_token_id = tokenizer.sep_token_id features = [] pool = Pool(n_process) _get_features_process = partial( self.get_features_process, num_examples=len(self.labels), tokenizer=tokenizer, bert_compatible_cls=bert_compatible_cls, sep_token=tokenizer.sep_token, cls_token=tokenizer.cls_token, create_sent_rep_token_ids=create_sent_rep_token_ids, sent_rep_token_id=sent_rep_token_id, create_sent_lengths=create_sent_lengths, create_segment_ids=create_segment_ids, segment_token_id=segment_token_id, create_source=create_source, max_length=max_length, pad_on_left=pad_on_left, pad_token=pad_token, mask_padding_with_zero=mask_padding_with_zero, create_attention_mask=create_attention_mask, pad_ids_and_attention=pad_ids_and_attention, ) for rtn_features in _get_features_process, zip(range(len(self.labels)), self.examples, self.labels), ): features.append(rtn_features) pool.close() pool.join() if not return_type: return features elif return_type == "tensors": final_tensors = [] all_input_ids = torch.tensor( [f.input_ids for f in features], dtype=torch.long ) final_tensors.append(all_input_ids) all_attention_masks = torch.tensor( [f.attention_mask for f in features], dtype=torch.long ) final_tensors.append(all_attention_masks) all_labels = torch.tensor( pad([f.labels for f in features], 0), dtype=torch.long ) final_tensors.append(all_labels) if create_segment_ids: all_token_type_ids = torch.tensor( pad([f.token_type_ids for f in features], 0), dtype=torch.long ) final_tensors.append(all_token_type_ids) # Pad sentence representation token ids (`sent_rep_token_ids`) if create_sent_rep_token_ids: all_sent_rep_token_ids = torch.tensor( pad([f.sent_rep_token_ids for f in features], -1), dtype=torch.long ) all_sent_rep_token_ids_masks = ~(all_sent_rep_token_ids == -1) all_sent_rep_token_ids[all_sent_rep_token_ids == -1] = 0 final_tensors.append(all_sent_rep_token_ids) final_tensors.append(all_sent_rep_token_ids_masks) if create_sent_lengths: all_sent_lengths = torch.tensor( pad([f.sent_lengths for f in features], 0), dtype=torch.long ) final_tensors.append(all_sent_lengths) dataset =*final_tensors) elif return_type == "lists": dataset = [example.to_dict() for example in features] if save_to_path: final_save_name = save_to_name if save_to_name else ("dataset_" + dataset_path = os.path.join( save_to_path, (final_save_name + "." + save_as_type), )"Saving dataset into cached file %s", dataset_path) if save_as_type == "txt": with open(dataset_path, "w+") as file: # Need to replace single with double quotes so it can be loaded as JSON file.write("\n".join([json.dumps(x) for x in dataset]) + "\n") elif save_as_type == "pt":, dataset_path) else: logger.error("'%s' is an invalid save type.", save_as_type) return dataset
[docs] def load(self, load_from_path, dataset_name=None): """Attempts to load the dataset from storage. If that fails, will return None.""" final_load_name = dataset_name if dataset_name else ("dataset_" + dataset_path = os.path.join( load_from_path, (final_load_name + ".pt"), ) if os.path.exists(dataset_path):"Loading data from file %s", dataset_path) dataset = torch.load(dataset_path) return dataset return None